The Bingo game allows you to play 5 of the most popular variants of Bingo, using either 27, 30, 75, 80 or 90 balls.

Player Experience

The players see a cage containing all the balls that are in play. The cage spins to mix up the balls, and when a ball is chosen it is displayed prominently in the centre of the screen with the appropriate call.

Admin Experience

The Admin interface is where you configure and run the game. Here you can:

  • Choose the number of balls in the game
  • Select if you want to spin the cage and draw a ball manually, or let the software do it.
  • Choose if you want to present the traditional Bingo calls, or something more suited to the 21st century. For 75 ball games, you can see B.I.N.G.O calls. If you don’t want to see the bingo calls you also have the option to just show the numbers as words.

The Interface presents you with all the balls that are in play, they change from being grey to coloured as they are drawn. The current ball along with the appropriate call is displayed as it it drawn. A table shows all the balls that have been drawn in the correct order.