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Games Night

v1.6.3 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

Maintenance release to fix a couple of bugs.

v1.6.2 Released

Games Night less than 1 minute read

What’s new in v1.6.2

v1.6.0 Released

Games Night less than 1 minute read

What’s new in v1.6.0

What’s coming in the next release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

Just a quick note to state what I’m currently planning to include in the next release (v1.6.0), hopefully I’ll get these done, but there is no guarantee.

v1.5.5 Release

Games Night 1 minute read

Another Quiz focused release.

v1.5.4 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

This release is focused around bringing updates and improvements to Quizzes.

v1.5.3 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

New in 1.5.3 is the ability to run raffles that do not use cloakroom tickets.

v1.5.2 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

This release adds a new feature to the Bingo Game.

v1.5.1 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

This release is a minor update, but hopefully a helpful one. Bundled with the application now are over 6000 trivia questions to give you inspiration when cr...

v1.5.0 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

A bit late posting this, but version 1.5.0 is now in the App Store.

v1.4.0 Release

Games Night 1 minute read

This morning I was notified that v1.4.0 has been approved for the App Store and should be available within the next couple of days (or hours depending on ho...

v1.3.5 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

Well it looks like Apple has caught me out with this release. There is a freeze for new submissions to the app store between the 23 and the 27. So when I su...

v1.3.0 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

This release brings the use of buzzers out of experimental mode, and you can now use unto 4 PlayStation Buzz! controllers with your quizzes.

v1.2.0 Release

Games Night less than 1 minute read

Yesterday v1.2.0 was release. It includes the following:

Version 1.0.0 is in the App Store

Games Night less than 1 minute read

After a nervous wait of almost four days Games Night has passed the App Store review process and I have clicked the button to release it into the App Store. ...

Version 1.0.0 is under review

Games Night less than 1 minute read

On Friday evening I submitted Games Night for review in the App Store. Within 6 hours it had been rejected, though this was because I had been overly caution...

Created entry in App Store Connect

Games Night less than 1 minute read

I’ve created the relevant App Bundle IDs and App Store Connect Application in preparation to submit the application to the App Store.

New Sounds have been added

Games Night less than 1 minute read

I’ve had some sounds effects created for Games Night. I decided to not get too carried away and drown the software with loads of effect. The thinking around ...

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Ends+ Updated

EndsPlus less than 1 minute read

Ends+ Updated

Fixture Teams

EndsPlus less than 1 minute read

Fixture Teams

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Video preview created

Ends less than 1 minute read

It turns out, (accordingly to the internet), that all I needed to do was create a video of the application running of my own watch. So I attached my iPhone t...

Ends accepted to app store

Ends less than 1 minute read

Good News! Received an email to state that Ends has been accepted for the app store and will be release shortly.

Feedback from the app store

Ends less than 1 minute read

My submission was reject. The reason they gave was that I need to provide a video of the application running.

Ends submitted to the App Store

Ends less than 1 minute read

This evening I submitted Ends to the Apple App Store for approval. It’s my first attempt at getting an application in one of the stores, so it will be intere...

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Website update

website less than 1 minute read

I decided to give the website a bit of a refresh. I’ve changed the theme, added the majority of the content from (in preparation for getting ...

Site Created

website less than 1 minute read

I’ve been working on a few Apple related applications recently, Ends and Games Night, and I realised that I was going to need a website to host some data tha...

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One Letter

One Letter Update

One Letter less than 1 minute read

One Letter 1.1.2 Released

One Letter released

One Letter less than 1 minute read

A bit of shock today, One Letter got approved in the App Store on first attempt. I was not expecting that.

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Grid Shift

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